Watch Until Dawn’s extended seven-minute gameplay demo
After showing off glimpses of a thrilling cat-and-mouse sequence from Until Dawn in which a character is chased by a masked assailant, Supermassive Games’ PS4-exclusive third-person horror thriller now gets an extended gameplay video, showing off more than seven minute of footage from the part of the game.
The clip starts off with Samantha’s (played by Hayden Panettiere of “save the cheerleader, save the world” fame from Heroes) bath being interrupted; she steps out to discover her clothes are missing and subsequently explores her surroundings moving to the lower apart of the lodge. This leads to some typical tropes: a loud clock striking the hour and startling the character, a TV being switched off only to briefly turn on displaying flashes of disturbing imagery etc.
She soon steps into the Cinema Room, where the antagonist confronts her with some terrifying and disconcerting footage, leading to a face-to-face confrontation and a chase through the house. How does it end? Watch the clip to find out!