Watch more than 20 minutes of Wolfenstein: The Old Blood gameplay
More than 20 minutes of gameplay from Wolfenstein: The Old Blood was shown during a livestream at PAX East, and you can view it right here, thanks to Eurogamer, who captured a chunk of it.
The footage serves as a reminder that those who enjoyed Wolfenstein: The New Order are likely to garner a ton of fun from the upcoming standalone shooter as well, given that it features most of the familiar mechanics, including dual-wielding several weapons, the option to get through most portions of the game via stealth or guns a blazin and numerous collectibles to acquire.
There are of course, new weapons to play with, such as the Bambenschuss bolt-action rifle with scope, the Kampfpistole which shoots mini rockets and a pipe which can be used in melee attacks and to climb up certain walls/surfaces, and weapon and ammo upgrades to obtain. The first part of the video sees B.J. Blazkowicz traversing catacombs in order to infiltrate Castle Wolfenstein, while the second half sees him using a cable car and trying to escape the Nazi-occupied installation.
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood releases on 5 May for the PC, Xbox One and PS4.