Top-down shooter LA Cops hits PS4 on 22 April; screenshots here
Modern Dream has announced that LA Cops will be making its debut on the PS4 on 22 April, accompanying the statement with a handful of screenshots from the fast-paced top-down shooter.
The game is already available for the PC via Steam for $14.99, while the PS4 version will cost £10.99/€13.99 at PlayStation Store.
Harkening back to the 1970’s when the streets of LA were filled with mean criminals necessitating tougher cops, the game boasts of six cops (with different upgradable attributes – health, speed, ammo clip size and damage) to choose from, eight main and five optional multi-sectional levels and five upgradable weapons – Pistols, Uzis, Shotguns, Assault Rifles and Grenade Launchers – to decimate your foes during those action-packed shootouts.
Source: PS Blog