Tons of Mortal Kombat X Gameplay Footage, Screenshots rise from E3
The barrage of media from E3 continues with these gameplay videos and screenshots of Mortal Kombat X, NetherRealm’s brutal fighting game which launches on the PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One and PS4 in 2015. The screenshots underline the incredible amount of detail on the characters as well as the notable level of blood and gore true to what fans expect of the series as assorted combatants (Yay Scorpion!) pulverise each other in distinctive locations ranging from snow-covered forests to docks.
This first video shows two battles: one is between Scorpion and Swarm Queen D’Vorah who controls insects and it ends with the former getting his face eaten off and jaw dislocated by a swarm of insects and his skull subsequently smashed underneath the female fighter’s foot. Whats interesting is that each playable character will have three variations allowing for some unique gameplay styles; for example, Scorpion has Hellfire (adds Hell Ball, Demon Fire and Flame Aura), Ninjutsu (uses unique attacks wielding dual swords) and Inferno (summons a demonic minion!). The action appears to be very fluid and brutal with X-Ray moves and gory fatalities. The next fight is in an Outworld marketplace between Sub Zero and Ferra/Torr duo (a big hulk with a vicious little lady on his back), and we get to see how the latter work in tandem to defeat their opponent. The cryo-powered fighter ends the match by snapping the brute’s spine and ripping him into two halves. It ends with the E3 trailer showing off all the above mentioned fighters in battles with each other.
The second clip by IGN introduces bubble gum chewing Cassie Cage – daughter of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade – employing some brawler moves as well as her four pistols in a bout against D’Vorah, ending with a somewhat humorous fatality. Aztec warrior Kotal Kahn in his Sun God variant fights Ferra/Torr next, slicing open the brute’s chest, ripping his heart out and drinking the blood spouting from it. Iconic adversaries Scorpion and Sub Zero face off in the next match, while the final one features Cassie Cage’s Spec Ops variant (which allows her to call in precision missile strikes) and Ferra/Torr, with the latter slicing Cassie into two in the end. There’s also a bit of scenic interaction, wherein you can jump of walls and nearby items as well as throw things like nearby barrels at opponents.