The Stomping Land- An epic dino game, prototype trailer released
There are not many good Dinosaur games that we have played during the past years. The last one I played was Turok which was released way back in 2008 and was an average first-person shooter. But today in the morning while surfing the internet I have come across with an indie game called The Stomping Land and it is said to be a multiplayer survival game featuring various species of dinosaurs. The game is being developed by a small group of three people Alex ‘jig’-Game Director, Nick ‘kcin’-Artist and Lee Frisk-Garphic Artist . They have released a prototype gameplay trailer of their game which depicts some of the core gameplay mechanics and to show what they are planning to accomplish.
The Stomping Land will pit the player as a hunter, a bow wielding dude, your main objective is to kill small dinosaurs and eat their meat inorder to survive, however the carnivorous are impossible to kill and your bow can not cause any damage to them they will prevent you from gathering food. Player can salvage resources from the world, which will give access to new tools and ability to survive on the island for eg: create traps to wound the carnivorous or rope the trees to create trip wire etc since it is tribal game you can also raid the camp, built by other players for the meat.
There is no ETA yet the gameplay looks promising and the project has lot of potential. But the sad part is there won’t be any single player mode.
Source: Official Website