The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III – two videos and three images
To bring you up to speed on The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III here are not one but two videos as well as three images from the action-RPG.
The images consist of the cover artwork and two screenshots depicting the Elementalist and Protector playable classes. The teaser shows off the varied fast-paced gameplay, some of the different enemy types and locations as well as two aforementioned classes; the former is skilled at dealing devastation from range via his mastery of the arcane arts, while the latter is all about close-quarters combat with his heavy armour and shield slot helping sustain damage and his skills useful in knocking down enemies, charging into them and dishing out physical damage.
You may also recall that the developers previously unveiled two other new classes – the Phlogistoneer and the Umbralist. NeocoreGames has also stated that The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III arrives this month on Steam for 14.99.