Spooky Live-Action video teases new project by BioWare
Master of RPG titles BioWare looks set to announce a new IP at Gamescom 2014 – which takes place on 13-17 August in Cologne (Germany) – if the following live-action video by the devs and EA which points to a website called http://www.youve-been-chosen.com/ is any indication. The website contains the message “The time is near. They are watching. Your power is rising. Cologne, Germany. You’ve Been Chosen.”
Titled Nightmare, the teaser sees guy in a hoodie running through a dark alley towards a car in what seems to be a bad dream, while we also get a glimpse of someone in a suit sitting in a chair whose face we cannot make out (due to all the ominous black smoke). What do you think? Is the studio branching out from its traditional stronghold of fantasy/scifi RPG’s to a new genre? Guess all shall be revealed next month, but feel free to search for clues in the interim.