Saints Row 4 Box Art Revealed, Hail to the Chief video series launches
Deep Silver has revealed the Box Art for Commander in Chief Edition. The box art feature a presidential suit and a pair of aviator glasses which are reflecting some of the crazy events in the world of Saint Row 4 . The Commander in Chief Edition is a special Edition of the game which is a free upgrade to those who pre-order the games from the participating retailer. Special edition of the game will net the players with Uncle Sam’s outfit, Screaming Eagle Jet that fires rockets from its talons and can also dazed people with its Sonic Scream attack and the Merica Weapon which combines flame throwers , dubstep gun and rocket launchers.
Additionally , the company has released the first episode of Hail to the Chief video series. In the video you will see president usingh telekenesis to shoot an alien like a rocket into the air after performing some niffty dance moves
Saints Row 4 is due on the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 on 20 August
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