Rumour: New Prince of Persia 2D title based on UbiArt Framework engine in the works
It’s been a while since we have had anything new in the popular Prince of Persia franchise, especially if you discount the Prince of Persia: The Shadow and The Flame HD remake for Android and iOS last year. However, some new rumours have popped up that suggest that a new instalment in the action-adventure series is in development; the game is supposedly a 2D title powered by the UbiArt Framework engine, which is also used by Ubisoft’s gorgeous multiplatform turn-based RPG Child of Light.
French website Le Portail du Jeu Video further claims that the project also involves independent animation of the main character’s limbs, allowing for more realism and diversity in movement. The game will contain platforming and combat elements as the previous Prince of Persia games. There’s still no word from Ubisoft on this, but we remain hopeful; I could do with a new Prince of Persia game instead of another instalment of Assassin’s Creed.