Riddick Redband trailer is the answer to What’s scarier than Monsters in the Dark
Yes, I know most of us movie aficionados are all still in awe/shock from Zack Snyder’s announcement at SDCC (Sand Diego Comic Con) that the next Superman film will also feature Batman, but that doesn’t mean we could let a gem like this pass us by. The official Redband AKA Restricted trailer for Riddick has been released, and it delivers what fans of the franchise have been waiting for in spades. While the previous trailer (which you can watch here) was all kinds of awesome, this video ups our reluctant hero/anti-hero’s badass quotient by a ton.
A follow-up to Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick, the upcoming movie sees Vin Diesel reappear as the titular deadly convict being stalked by skilled bounty hunters across the galaxy. Initially stranded on a desert-like ostentatiously abandoned planet both Riddick and the following bounty hunters realise that they are not alone, and a race for survival begins. In conclusion, I think the GIF above says it all; so be sure to set aside that teensy bit of cash required for the ticket when this movie releases on 6 September.