
Published on June 7th, 2013 | by whatsupdog

Resident Evil Revelations: Rachael Ooze gameplay trailer (Added Lady Hunk video)

Capcom had earlier announced the Ooze Rachael DLC would be made available for the Raid Mode in their port of the survival horror title Resident Evil: Revelations, which has made its way to the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3, and have now issued a trailer for the same. This gruesome version of Rachael Foley shows her altered state due to the effects of the T-Abyss virus, and the video reveals how that happened. We did notice her corpse in the demo released a while back; footage of which you can view here. The video shows of some gameplay bits, including her new melee claw attack.

Update: We have also added the new Lady Hunk DLC trailer, which you can view below:



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