Next-Gen Call of Cthulhu – Two New Images
After a hiatus of more than two months, Focus Home Interactive and Frogwares have finally issued some new media from their next-gen Call of Cthulu game. The images, both concept artworks, depict two characters from the upcoming title, which is a horror/investigation game being developed for the PC and consoles.
The first image is of Gerarda Martense AKA Crawling One, who appears to be more monster than human with tendrils/worms instead of hands and a creepy porcelain mask-like face, while the other picture is of Jeremiah Scudder, a bespectacled young man about whom not much has been revealed yet. Those familiar with the works of H.P. Lovecraft and the Cthulhu saga will recognise the Martense name from one of his stories; in “The Lurking Fear”, the Martense clan were a bunch of degenerated cannibalistic humans.