Lords of Xulima – Classes Detailed & Illustrated
Numantian Games has revealed a bit about the various classes that players can expect in their 2D isometric turn-based RPG Lords of Xulima, which is inspired by popular titles such as Might & Magic, Baldur’s Gate, Final Fantasy, Ultima and King’s Bounty. The game is set in the mythical lost continent of Xulima, wherein players command protagonist Gaulen and his five of his companions on an epic quest. There are more than 100 skills that unlock based on your character’s growth, with some being class specific. The game boasts of at least nine classes to choose from three realms:
Realm of the Mentalism: These intelligent characters utilise their mental abilities to achieve their ends. Here we have the Solider – a master of weapons and war tactics, the Bard can provide some much needed support to allies while discouraging the enemy, while the Barbarian relies on heavy weapons and brute strength to decimate his opponents.
Realm of Energy: This class is all about using the primordial energy of elements on the physical world, and consists of the powerful Mage who can call down lightning storms or blazing flames, the Arcane Soldier who can control magical energy and command the elements and the Thief who can employ tricks, disable traps and open those pesky locks.
Realm of the Divine: This class focuses on channelling the intrinsic ancient power of the Xulnari; the versatile Explorer has a congruous relationship with animals and nature, and can locate secret paths, source of sustenance as well as enchanted herbs. The Paladins are warriors who live by their code of honor and sacrifice, and their devotion to the Divine Realm has been rewarded by the gods with blessings and magic. Finally, the Priest is the only character granted a significant portion of powers by the gods because of their notable devoutness.