Killing Floor 2 developer diary delves into M.E.A.T. system
Those talented people at Tripwire Interactive explore and explain some key aspects of the abundance of gore AKA M.E.A.T. system in Killing Floor 2, their FPS in development for the PC, set to arrive on the platform in 2015.
Bullets, blades and blood are the three pillars that hold up the shooter in the developers’ books, and the latter was the most important of the three. This meant looking at various games and incorporating the best of those in Killing Floor 2; for example, Solider of Fortune has a superb gore system, which inspired the creation of M.E.A.T. system.
This allows for much more points of dismemberment – around 22, including at least five for just the head – compared to just around five in the previous game in the series. This also meant developing around 90 animations per creature, depending on where the player shoots a zombie. What this basically means is that one can expect tons of gore, guts, blood, dismemberment, intestines, brains etc as they go around perpetrating carnage in the upcoming FPS.