Here’s nearly 10 minutes of gameplay from a pre-Alpha build of Mordheim: City of the Damned
Today we have more than nine minutes of footage from a pre-Alpha build of Focus Home Interactive and Rogue Factor’s turn-based tactical action-RPG Mordheim: City of the Damned; the video marks the game’s imminent entry into Early Access.
The clip demonstrates some of the key gameplay mechanics in Mordheim, as players battle it out as one of several factions vying for control of the city in a multiplayer match between five human mercenaries and an equivalent number of members of the cult of the possessed. A player has several blue and red point pools each round, with the former allowing for movement and the latter for offensive actions, and we see various skills and abilities put to use here; for example, perception (if successful) can be used to discover traps.
Players can upgrade their units after each battle, and change armour and other equipment as well, according to their preference. However, what’s interesting is that this carries a risk, as the fate of defeated units is only uncovered at the end of the battle, with possibilities ranging from simple injuries to death.