Evolve – Caira gameplay video + character details
Turtle Rock Studios have unveiled yet another character from their beast v/s hunters FPS Evolve; Caira Diaz is the third and final medic to be revealed, and you can view her in action in the following clip.
Her versatility is demonstrated by the different abilities she can employ; from using a grenade launcher to heal team members AND herself, deploying an acceleration field/ adrenaline boost to speed up her and her teammates’ movement, to wielding the devastating napalm grenade launcher or utilising the healing burst, her skills can amount to the difference between success and defeat.
Caira is also the only playable character who hails from Earth, and also is the one with the most smarts among the hunters, with her mission on the planet Shear being to study up on the various Monsters. The nearly 13-minute long video below details her abilities, as she and three other hunters take on a beast in a match.