E3 2014: Fable Legends demo
Fable Legends stage demo was presented during the Microsoft’s E3 conference where game designer David Eckelberry illustrated some of the key gameplay features which are implemented in the upcoming action-RPG. The video below depicts the game’s hub town where you can tag up with your friends and go together on the quest. It also shows Fable Legend’s heroes battling a horde of goblins. First off, we see charming stylish swordsman, then sword and tower shield wielding strength- based character bashes goblins with her shield, a powerful mage with ice magic, has the ability to slow and freeze enemies and a repeating crossbow user. However core gameplay element is not just the co-op, Loinhead Studio’s Fable Legend will let you play as Villain. Playing as villain seems to be fun as you have the ability to lay various spells and traps, place enemies on the battlefield. Watch the video below