Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition – Nightmare Mode revealed
The latest trailer in the series of recent clips highlighting new features in Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition showcases the Nightmare Mode.
This new difficulty level obviously ramps up the challenge for those looking for one in the action survival game from Techland, which means that one will have to contend with stronger enemies, longer nights, XP penalties for dying, stamina restrictions (which will necessitate a change in tactics from simply rushing headfirst into combat to planning your moves and relying more on hit-and-run skirmishes), and no relying on easter egg weapons.
However, it also has its benefits. Apart from that extremely gratifying rush that comes when you successfully complete your objectives despite odds tips against you, you also gain XP faster when playing in this mode, 10% bonus XP (upto 30%) for each player in your game and of course golden weapons.