Destiny’s Playstation-exclusive Content Features Maps, Guns, Armour and Ships
Sony has detailed Destiny’s PlayStation-exclusive content. PS3 and PS4 owners will acquire an exclusive excess to competitive multiplayer map, three-player co-op mission called Strike Mission, some weapons and gear as well as three space craft.
The competitive multiplayer map is called Exodus, a mid-sized arena map that will feature skirmish and domination game modes. Then there’s The Dust Palace Strike exclusive three player co-op map which is based on Mars, where Players are tasked to track an extraction team through ancient skyscraper. You will also face a new enemy known as the Psion Flayers.
In addition to that exclusive set of armor individually for all three classes in Destiny, and two new weapons an assault rifle called Monte Carlo and Hawkmoon hand cannon. Player will also get three exclusive ships to explore the galaxy.
For your viewing pleasure we have gathered few screenshots below that showcase the PlayStation-exclusive content.
Source: PlayStation Blog