
Published on January 29th, 2014 | by Shitiz Bhagal

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Dev Diary Video details the game’s open-world

Konami has released the second developer dairy for its action hack and slash title, Castlevania Lords of  Shadow 2. In the latest video, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow series Producer Dave Cox and Mercurysteam head Enric Alvarez talks about the open-world nature of their upcoming game. According to Enric Alvarez, while exploring the world, there won’t be any loading screens and new areas will become available to explore as players advance in the main story. Players will be able to explore both the gothic  modern day city and the Dracula’s castle which is a part of city itself.

Castlevania Lords of the Shadow 2 will feature lot of varied environments, enemies and unique bosses, not only that Developer Mercury Steam has taken some of the references from the classic Castlevania games in terms of platforming elements such as swinging on chandeliers as you can see the video below.

The game is scheduled to be released for the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 on 25 Feb.  Don’t forget to access our previous articles for more on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.


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