Brutal fights, car battles are the highlight of Mad Max trailer
Fresh on the high provided by the movie is a new trailer for Mad Max, the upcoming open-world post-apocalyptic action game by Warner Bros. and Avalanche Studios. Titled Savage Road –likely in reference to the movie’s “Fury Road” title, it delves into the setting, the varied dangerous characters such as Scabrous Scrotus (ruler of Gastown) and his warboys as well as a couple of not so unfriendly ones like the main character’s companion/sidekick/expert mechanic Chumbucket.
The brutal hand-to-hand combat is clearly inspired from the Batman: Arkham series, but it does not look out of place, while the car chase and combat sequences look solid and are likely to pump you up for the game, getting you ready to tackle on war rigs and other assorted enemy vehicles with your customisable car this September. Head on over here if you want to see some gameplay of the same.