

Published on February 3rd, 2014 | by whatsupdog

Armour and weapons feature in fresh Deep Down concept art

Capcom have issued a few new pieces of artwork for their combat RPG, which showcases some of the armoured fighters and their varied weaponry in the online-only PS4-exclusive title. In Deep Down, the player is a member of the powerful organisation of “Ravens” who have the ability to cross between worlds; the game – set in in New York in the year 2094 – sees the character touching an excavated statue to move into the consciousness of a warrior from a past time.

The images below mostly depict the different types of armour which offer certain levels of protection, as well as melee weapons such as a one-handed sword which seems apt for speed and compatible with a shield, a larger more deadly-looking two-handed blade for more damage and range but at the cost of the defence provided by a shield, and finally the accurate and far-reaching spear. For more on Deep Down, including some gameplay footage, check out this link.


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