Alien: Isolation brings the Xenomorph fear in E3 gameplay trailer, images
Sega has unleashed a terrifying new trailer for Alien: Isolation, starting off by showing numerous corpses and body bags on the seemingly abandoned Sevastopol space station, but quickly moving onto to show the Xenomorph stalking its prey, which is none other than the main character Amanda Ripley. There’s also the iconic flamethrower in action, though the developers have said that weapons will be scarce and ammo for these even all the more rare, which means that flight and not fight will have to be the player’s primary instinct.
Also on the space station is another group of survivors, armed looters who could be hazardous to Ripley’s health, though they could make for good decoys. An example of crafting items was given in the form of the Noisemaker, an electrical device which does what it says it does. However, one will likely need to scavenge for various resources while stealthily evading the antagonist so that they can create such items.